Monday, February 23, 2009


A quick update

Dominance War IV

Dominance War has started again and the people at Game Artisan have decided to do a mini-challenge before the epic main challenge. Instead of me explaining everything head over to the Dominance War website to find out more about this crazyness! Anyways this is my first pass.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Digital Arts Article

Here is the scanned in article from Digital Arts magazine on the Coke: Hidden Formula commercial we did.

Digital Arts: Coke Hidden Formula

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Digital Arts and Stash!

Some exciting news, Bent Image Labs was featured in Digital Arts magazine in the UK for the work we did on the Coke commercial. Also, Bent was featured on Stash, a DVD released monthly that highlights some of the best commercial animations, motion graphics, and short films. The whale I zbrused and textured is on the cover of the DVD!